This article has been written to make people aware of how a good-looking gentleman in a society became a psychopath—a brutal killer,a necrophiliac.

When we are talking about Savage serial killers and therefore the shocking details of their horrible crimes, there is no one compared to Ted Bundy. Ted Bundy was a horrible killer, a necrophiliac man who killed at least 30 to 100 women and girl children by brutally raping them.
The most interesting part is that in his outer life, he acted as a normal, successful person who was a clean, normal Law student, had many girlfriends. He lived with his girlfriend and with a girl child, was a member of the Washington State Republicans, and worked for a suicide prevention helpline. Bundy has been described as a charming, handsome and even sensitive person!!!!! Nobody could believe that this person could do such types of brutal crime…could be a cannibal, necrophiliac, charismatic sociopath, a savage monster.
Some Horrifying Brutal Killings by Bundy
Unlike other killers, Bundy didn’t always wait for an opportunity to attack women in a lonely place. Most of the time he broke the rooms to rape
and murder women. He was very desperate in this matter. He once described himself as “the most cold-hearted son of a bitch you’ll ever meet.”.
“Joni Lenz”, a dancer and student at UW, was sleeping alone in her basement room. Bundy silently entered the bedroom. At first, Bundy bludgeoned her head with a metal rod and cracked her face with a speculum.[typical Bundy style]
Raped her brutally using foreign particles and escaped. The next day, Joni was found in her bed, lying in a pond of her own blood. She survived the attack but sustained permanent brain damage.
In August 1974, he murdered Melissa Anne Smith, the daughter of the Midvale Police Chief, and Laura Aime. Both girls were just 17. Their nude bodies were found in the mountains, where they had been raped and strangled.
On January 15,1978 and committed a vital crime. He entered a house called “Chi Omega Sorority house” and brutally attacked four women residing there.
They are Margaret Bowman, Lisa Levy, Kathy Kleiner and Karen Chandler. The first two women died instantly, but the other two survived with fatal injuries.

He first attacked 21-year-old Margaret Bowman. Bundy bludgeoned her with a chunk of firewood. After that, she was brutally raped and then strangled by her stoking. Her skull was crushed and her bite mark was found everywhere in her dead body.
Then he attacked Lisa Leavy in the next room, Bundy sexually assaulted her with a plastic bottle, ripped one of her nipples, and bite deeply into the flesh of her buttocks. The teeth mark helped to convict Bundy in the murders, as The Washington Post reported [ * savage killing !!!!???? ever hard ]

After that, he attacks Karen Chandler. Another resident of this apartment was also present. Bundy raped her She also suffered broken teeth; her jaw was broken and four teeth were knocked out. But she luckily survived
and then Kathy Kleiner, raped her brutally and vanished within a minute.
Before the last arrest, he committed his brutal Murder By Killing a 12-year-old Girl “Kimberly Leach“. This Murder makes Bundy Evil to society and people note him as a brutal savage killer.
Bundy confessed the Serial Killings

There are several women killed by Bundy are,Rita Lorraine Jolly, , Vicki Lynn Hollar, Melissa Smith, Anne Aime, Debbie Smith,Roberta Kathleen Parks, Ann Healy, Katherine Merry Devine, Brenda JoyBaker, Roberta Kathleen Parks,Donna Gail Manson,Caryn Campbell and many more……..almost countless.
Some Bundy victims(left to right) Roberta Parks, Julie Cunningham, Brenda Carol Ball, Georgann Hawkins, Susan Rancourt, Kimberly Leach, Nancy Wilcox, Janice Ott

Bundy was a Necrophiliac

After his arrest, he confessed that he had collected the body parts of his victims, which were hidden in his apartment. He also kept the severed heads of his victims by removing their heads with a hacksaw. When he was asked why he kept such body parts, he replied, “When you do some work hard to do something right, you don’t want to forget it.”
After killing his victims, Bundy sometimes spent the night with their dead bodies, playing with their body parts until the body was badly decomposed.
Style of Crime
Generally, Bundy broke into the house of his victims and Raped and Murdered them. But in some cases, he lured women by getting sympathy.
Many times Bundy came out with hand plaster like a wounded man with a crutch. He acted like he was struggling to carry books or boxes and called the targeted girl to help him. When she was helping him to carry the item, suddenly Bundy attacked her over the head and made her unconscious, put her in his car hand-capped, and took her to another place to do his crime. [* Typical Bundy style]
How He Was Identified
The US police was so troubled when every month a young girl or girl child disappeared and was found brutally killed by someone, with similarities with a broken skull, raped & tortured, bite marks & signs of Strangulation.
On Aug. 16, 1975, investigators finally got the break when they tried to stop a car and it did not stop. The police chased the car and stopped it.
Upon being requested for identification by the officer, the driver produced a driver’s license bearing the name Theodore Robert Bundy. The officer, suspecting involvement in suspicious activities, conducted a search of the vehicle and uncovered various items: handcuffs, rope, a crowbar, ski mask, ice pick, and a nylon stocking. Consequently, Bundy was arrested on suspicion of burglary.
Carol DaRonch, who successfully escaped from Bundy’s hand, identified Bundy as her kidnapper & that’s how Bundy was First time arrested. The judge found him guilty of aggravated kidnapping and sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
Watch the video & take a look, how the girl escaped from the hand of the Monster.
Video Credit: Youtube Channel: 194fish
On June 7, 1977, Bundy escaped from jail, but within 6 days Bundy was arrested further. Almost seven months later, on December 30, 1977, Bundy escaped again.
Bundy was arrested a month later in Pensacola.He was found guilty of murdering Lisa Levy.The police found a match of the bite marks left on the body of Lisa Levy. The bite marks on the victim’s body were matched with the unique teeth of Bundy. Bundy was found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and imposed sentences of death.

After almost a decade of appeals, Bundy was executed by electric chair on January 24, 1989.
Bundi’s Last Interview before the day of his Execution
Before the day of his execution, he revealed many things, including the reasons behind his acts of brutality. He described how one particular factor had the most significant impact on him.
video Credit: YouTube channel MrJudge
Ted Bundy’s Execution
On his last night alive, Ted Bundy talked with his mother twice. In his last dinner, he was offered a steak, eggs, hash browns, and toast. He was so puzzled, he looked very nervous, feared, anxiety went through his body and his legs were trembling. He didn’t take any food. Bundy died hungry.
How Did Ted Bundy Die?
42 witnesses came to watch Ted Bundy’s death. The Times magazine covered the killer’s last breaths. The jailer asked Bundy if he wanted to say something. The killer hesitated. His voice quavered.
“‘I’d like to give my love to my family and friends,” he said.
A thick strap was pulled to Bundy’s mouth and chin. The metal skullcap was bolted, his hands were tightened.

And the action started. An anonymous executioner pushed the button. Two thousand volts were applied to his head through the wires. A little puff of smoke came out of his right leg.
A minute later, the machine was turned off, and Bundy went tame.A paramedic unbuttoned the blue shirt and listened for a heartbeat. A second doctor checked his eyes. At 7:16 a.m., Theodore Robert Bundy — one of the most horrifying brutal killers of all time — was dead.

Bundy after Execution
Following Bundy’s execution, according to his family, his remains were cremated and spread over the mountains in Washington State, where the bodies of several of his victims had been discovered.
From the story of Ted Bundy, it is very much clear that watching vulgar films may cause psychopathic disorder and make anybody a psychopath, and thousands of Bundys may be born in our society.
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This Article is written by Leo Max(buku)(Jorabari,Habra,India)
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